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Using and converting VQEG ".yuv" testvideos with FFmpeg

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:43 pm
by ^rooker
The "Video Quality Experts Group" (VQEG) has a bunch of reference testvideos on their FTP server, which are often used to test video codecs.
Their videos are often available as raw, uncompressed YUV stream, using the file suffix ".yuv" without any header.

Therefore, if you want to transcode these files using FFmpeg, you must specify the input stream's parameters, such as resolution and colorspace.
According to the technical description in their README, and thanks to a post on "", here's the commandline to be used for FFmpeg:

Example 1:
Convert 625 material (=PAL) to FFv1.3 lossless codec:

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ffmpeg -f rawvideo -s 720x576 -pix_fmt uyvy422 -i VQEG_PhaseI/Reference/src9_ref__625.yuv -an -vcodec ffv1 -strict experimental -slices 24 -slicecrc 0 -g 1 -pix_fmt yuv422p client/output-625.avi
Example 2:
Convert 525 material (=NTSC) to FFv1.3 lossless codec:

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ffmpeg -f rawvideo -s 720x486 -pix_fmt uyvy422 -i VQEG_PhaseI/Reference/src9_ref__525.yuv -an -vcodec ffv1 -strict experimental -slices 24 -slicecrc 0 -g 1 -pix_fmt yuv422p client/output-525.avi
Important is to provide the pixel resolution and colorspace format of the input YUV stream.

YUV10 image sequence

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:16 pm
by ^rooker
Test-sequences for 10bit YUV are stored in individual frames ending with ".yuv10". Their technical details can be found in the README accompanying the SVT collection.
These files can be read as image sequence, using ffmpeg as follows:

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ffmpeg -f image2 -s 1920x1080 -r 25 -i 'VQEG/HDTV/SVT_exports/SVT_YUV10_Exports_/NewMobCal_YUV10_1080i25_/NM_%05d.yuv10' -an -vcodec ffv1 -strict experimental -slices 24 -slicecrc 0 -g 1 -pix_fmt yuv422p10le client/test.avi