Kantlipsum on Ubuntu

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Kantlipsum on Ubuntu

Post by peter_b »

In the past, I've used an online Python generator for creating random text in Immanuel Kant style, every now and then.

Here's how to include this so called "Kant Lipsum" text in e.g. Markdown - generated by Pandoc when rendering to an output format! :shock: 8)

First, here's the LaTeX template code.
Save this to "kant.tex":

Code: Select all




Second, here's the Markdown template.
Save this to "kant.md":

Code: Select all

# Testing Kant


Command to generate the output:

Code: Select all

$ pandoc kant.md --template=kant.tex --latex-engine=xelatex -s -o kant.pdf

The "\kant" command can be parametrized and there are other commands available too.
See Kantlipsum package documentation "Commands" for details.

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Optional: some Kantlpsum markdown examples.

Post by peter_b »

Some optional Markdown input examples:

Code: Select all

# Only certain paragraphs

## First paragraph only:


## Second to fourth:


# Same. Without paragraphs:

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