nfs:// in Konqueror: "authorization not supported"

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nfs:// in Konqueror: "authorization not supported"

Post by ^rooker »

When using Konqueror (on Kubuntu Feisty) to access an NFS shares, I ran into something like this:
Authorization failed, [server name] authorization not supported
The original german errormessage is:
Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen, [server name] wird nicht unterstützt
The corresponding entry on the NFS server's /var/log/daemon.log is:
export request from 192.168.x.x
May 4 21:32:35 servername mountd[4461]: refused mount request from 192.168.x.x for /media/xxx/xxx (/media/xxx/xxx): illegal port 50045
Basically, this means that Konqueror's KIO slave is not using a port <1024 - so it requires the "insecure" option to be set for that NFS export (in /etc/exports).

So I changed the line:
/media/xxx/xxx 192.168.x.x(ro,sync)
to look like this:
/media/xxx/xxx 192.168.x.x(ro,sync,insecure)
and reloaded the NFS config:

Code: Select all

sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server reload

However, I'm not really sure if that's a fix or a workaround, since an option called "insecure" doesn't give me a good feeling. :)

[REFERENCES] ... ntry216650
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