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MPD: "Failed to decode..."

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 7:46 pm
by peter_b
Suddenly a well functioning MPD (on Raspbian Jessie 9.1, Raspberry Pi v1) didn't play songs anymore. Playlists could be loaded, library searched - but no audio output.
Throughout this text here, "one_of_my_songs.mp3" is a placeholder-filename of the actual song it tried to play.

On MALP (Android) there was no error message.
You could switch songs in the playlist, change volume, anything - but: no audio output and the play position would not change.

On GMPC (Linux) at least I got an error message:
MPD Reported the following error: 'Failed to decode one_of_my_songs.mp3'

The affected songs were on a mounted network share (CIFS/SMB) which simply wasn't mounted anymore since reboot. :oops:

Reading "/var/log/mpd/mpd.log" helped to figure this out:
errno: Failed to open "/var/lib/mpd/music/one_of_my_songs.mp3": No such file or directory
Followed again, by a more cryptic message - but for the same audiofile:
mpg123: libmpg123 failed to open /var/lib/mpd/music/one_of_my_songs.mp3: A generic mpg123 error.
Just check if the audiofiles are accessible by MPD when this happens :wink: