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MP3 player using walkman parts

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:40 pm
by ^rooker
I'm thinking about building my own MP3 player so I'm currently browsing a lot of sites offering board layouts, etc...

Maybe it's just me being weird and "so-yesterday", but I'd love to use my old walkman chassis (and built in stuff like the audio amplifier and volume control...). This idea is like 5 minutes old now, but I really want to check that old thing and see how much space is left in there.... (would be nice to have an LCD there, too)

Unfortunately, that idea is not aaaaaas unique as it seems because I found this:

But building it myself would make it really interesting. Maybe I could base it on the design of yampp or minty? (although yampp is currently too windows focused for my taste)

OGG support

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:44 pm
by ^rooker
I'd really like to spread ogg vorbis if possible, which means that IF I should ever own an MP3 player it should be able to play ogg vorbis.

That's why I've searched for some info about ogg hardware support. Here are some nice links: (Master Thesis of 2 students in Stuttgart) ... 17/2032226 (Nice discussion) (Chip datasheet - Seems to be a current rough draft only)